Behavioral Mental Health Training Services

Kingdom Love, LLC was founded in 2017 and is 100% Mexicana-owned business. We provide evidenced-based mental and behavioral health training and education to youth and families in underserved communities. Kingdom Love, LLC, empowers community & family relationships through skill-based training and access to public mental health training and education to ensure individuals have common understanding, shared knowledge and skills for prevention and early intervention responses. We engage collaboratively with an eclectic and culturally diverse team of mental health professionals, specialists and instructors who are all passionate about wellness and supporting communities to thrive.

We believe that wellness should be accessible to everyone; and as a society, we can cultivate a culture where we live amongst a virtuous and thriving community. With our collective wisdom, experience and shared knowledge; we seek to collaborate and coordinate with communities alike, to create safe spaces where we elicit confidence, self-awareness, self-love, mental wellness and giving back to our communities.



  • Mental Health First Aid is a skills-based training that teaches people how to identify, understand and respond to signs and symptoms of a mental health or substance use challenge in youth ages 12-18 and adults ages 18 and over. The evidence behind the program demonstrates that it builds mental health literacy, providing an action plan that teaches people to safely and responsibly identify and address a potential mental health or substance use challenge. Mental Health First Aid for youth and adult is available in English and Spanish.

  • The Be Sensitive Be Brave for Mental Health trainings that you will provide give foundational information about mental health and mental illness, the difference between the two, and how mental health challenges may look different across cultural identities. The trainings also teach community members how to recognize mental distress in themselves and others, how to support someone who is suffering from mental distress, and how to use county or national resources to help people work through their mental distress.

    The Be Sensitive Be Brave for Suicide Prevention training is intended to train community members to detect possible suicide risk and connect those at risk with the help they need. Be Sensitive, Be Brave refers to our proposed two step method of helping at-risk individuals, sensitively, but directly inquiring as to whether they are thinking about suicide, and bravely connecting them with culturally appropriate resources and relationships that can increase their safety. The following section is intended to share some background knowledge about suicide in the U.S. that we think can be helpful to know when giving the training.

  • Triple P is an evidence-based parenting program that gives parents and caregivers simple and practical strategies to help them build strong, healthy relationships and confidently manage their child/ren’s behavior and prevent problems from developing.


  • Providing MHFA and BSBB Training for San Mateo County communities and supporters.

    Thanks to the MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES ACT (PROPOSITION 63) funding and a partnership between Kingdom Love, LLC and San Mateo County BHRS ODE, approved registrants may attend at no charge

  • Providing Youth Mental Health First Aid to Stanislaus County providers

  • Here to serve the needs of your County and community


  • Coordinated strategic partnerships to expand Youth Mental Health First Aid Training throughout County of Santa Clara, managed a team of YMHFA Instructors to meet project milestones within timelines and fulfilled grant requirements by 97%


  • Provide Youth Mental Health First Aid Training to providers of Stanislaus County BHRS


  • Coordinated strategic partnerships to expand Adult/Youth Mental Health First Aid Training throughout San Mateo County, managed a team of MHFA Instructors to meet project milestones within timelines.


  • Provide Victim Awareness workshop/training for youthful offenders and their parents



  • Provide virtual Youth Metal Health First Aid Trainings to School Districts in Southern California




Community Connection